Norfolk Christian Middle School
GRADES 6 – 8
Middle Schoolers are passionate, loyal, caring, and silly. They’re enamored with their new independence and thrilled to finally not be kids anymore. They also feel everything deeply and invest wholeheartedly in others. Some days, it’s a lot to carry. Thankfully, our MS team isn’t here by accident. Our amazing Middle School teachers, coaches and counselors are called to help this age group navigate their new world in a safe, Christ-honoring way.
That’s why you’ll find them hanging out with kids at lunch, in the center of the goofy photo and in the craziest costume on spirit days. But even more important are the things you won’t see: the heart-to-hearts that happen in quiet spaces, the prayers in the hallway, the quick encouragements after class, the free blocks given up to walk a student through a hard day. Those are the moments when real life happens and having Godly mentors changes everything. Those are the moments that define our Middle School.

Looking Past the Easy Answer
Our classrooms are trusted environments for voicing ideas and collaborating, giving students the confidence to investigate, reflect and offer suggestions until the best solution emerges. The freedom to work through problems and learn from mistakes fosters the kind of bold critical thinkers who stand out in every arena of life, and prepares our Ambassadors to play their role in God’s Kingdom.
Serious About Faith
From deeper discussions about familiar stories in Bible to time set aside for personal devotions, middle schoolers enter a new stage of spiritual maturity in these crucial years. Chapels and small group times speak to the issues most prevalent in their lives and help establish a lifetime of viewing culture through a Biblical lens.

A Whole New World
Middle School is an exciting season of firsts, from lockers and social events to competitive athletic teams and performing arts groups. These are the years when Ambassadors explore new things, learn new skills and become passionate about interests they’ve never tried before.
Honors Classes
starting in 7th grade
Social events and clubs
National Junior Honor Society
Middle School Quick Links
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