Visual Art

Mastering the Basics
Our Visual Arts Department guides students in the understanding of the world around them. From basic drawing techniques to advanced painting and sculpture practices, students learn to develop their God-given talents and curiosities. Students are given a hands-on approach to the arts which allows them to experience creating in a comfortable, studio-like environment.
Observing Creation
As artists grow in skills, they are exposed to new environments and more editorial subject matter. Painting in “plein air,” or “in the open air,” is one such method of getting students out of the classroom to observe nature and a variety of surroundings. These new settings allow students to practice the observation of a moving environment as opposed to a still life in the Art room.

NCS Art Xpo
Our Art Department holds this juried showcase every May to celebrate the artwork of students school-wide. An annual theme provides the focus and winners are chosen for each school division by a panel of community artists.

Digital Art
Graphic Design
Graphic Design students use our state-of-the-art Graphics Lab where they work with Adobe Creative Cloud applications to learn to create art digitally. From typographical design in Photoshop to poster design in Illustrator, our students experience the principles of art and design, color theory, and the psychological and sociological effects of art on our collective culture.

Students learn photography from both an artistic and a technological perspective. They learn the specific uses of using DSLR cameras, how to apply the principles of good photography, and then process their work through the Adobe Creative Cloud applications in our fully-equipped Graphics Lab. Through studying nature, portraits, architecture, and abstract photography, students learn to stop and capture the small moments of the world God has given us and grow in appreciation of His beauty.

Thomas Vokoun
Grace Greiner
Isn’t it Time to See Norfolk Christian for Yourself?