Norfolk Christian High School
GRADES 9 – 12
From their first steps into a freshman class to the moment their caps are tossed in the air, our High School students become more confident each day in their abilities to lead, to persevere through challenges, to find their passions, to excel at their talents, to love others as themselves and to live as Ambassadors for Christ. We use every second of our last years with these young adults to prepare them for their place in the world and their role in God’s Kingdom.

Prepared to Thrive
You can count on three things with our high school curriculum: it’s engaging; it leads students to think critically about the big picture, and it’s demanding. Taught by exceptional teachers who care about each student’s strengths, our high school classes mold students to excel academically. A robust variety of Advanced Placement and Honors offerings lets high schoolers seek the appropriate level of challenge. And a specialty track for those gifted in math allows students to complete the highest level of high school math within our walls (AP Calc BC) and continue on at a partner college when needed.
Inspired to Lead
A crucial component of the Ambassador experience is the encouragement to identify your talents and lean into your convictions. Students are offered numerous opportunities to invest in causes they feel deeply about, explore interests beyond our classrooms, and hone the skills God will use to help them find their place in the world. Independent studies allow juniors and seniors to take specialty classes in areas of interest, while in-house and community internships bring real-life work experience.

Grounded in Truth
We have no more important task than sending these young Ambassadors off knowing who they are in Christ. Our purposeful Bible curriculum gives them a through knowledge of Biblical principles with the vital understanding of how they apply to our daily lives. Classes in Doctrine, Ethics, and Apologetics leave high schoolers deeply rooted in the absolute truth of Scripture, ready to defend their faith, and able to use God’s Word as a filter for every idea the world presents.
16 Advanced Placement Classes
Conference Sports
National Honor Societies
Individualized Academic Counseling
High School Quick Links
See where our Ambassadors go from here:

Isn’t it Time to See Norfolk Christian for Yourself?