3 Campuses in Norfolk and Virginia Beach
PK – 12 by VAIS
60% of Teachers Hold Grad Degrees
NCS Families Attend 175 Local Churches
$1.5 million in Financial Aid per year
Community Bus Stops in 8 Locations
What is an Ambassador?
II Corinthians 5:20
“We are therefore Christ’s Ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf; be reconciled to God.”
This verse was the foundation on which Pastors John Dunlap and Gene Garrick launched Norfolk Christian Schools in 1952. Its students were proudly called Ambassadors, meaning “one who represents” or “messenger.”
True to our heritage and to our calling in II Corinthians, we shape students who strive for excellence in everything they do, who care well for each other, and who are prepared, committed, and eager to represent Christ to the world.
Are YOU an Ambassador?

Admissions Standards
Norfolk Christian considers students and families for admission who are committed to partnering in a Biblically-centered education. Admission is selective and based on prior academic performance, work ethic, testing, demonstrated Christian character, and a clear desire to attend NCS.
- At least one parent must be a professing believer in Jesus Christ, provide a written testimony of his or her relationship with Him and be committed to a lifestyle in agreement with our Statement of Faith.
- Active Community Involvement forms should attest to the regular attendance and commitment of at least one parent in a local church that teaches in agreement with our Statement of Faith.
- Applicant transcripts and testing should show at least average understanding of grade level material and a clear desire to work to the best of their abilities.
- Teacher evaluations should show that applicants can succeed independently in a traditional classroom setting.
- Applicants must be free of disciplinary action resulting in suspension or withdrawal within the last calendar year.
- Teacher recommendations should testify to a student’s willingness to exhibit Godly character and have a positive influence on the classroom environment.
- Students and parents must be in good standing with previous schools and must not have exhibited behavior that was disruptive to the school community.
- Families coming from another private school must be in good financial standing and have fulfilled their obligations before applying. A letter on school letterhead may be requested.